Inbound Prioritization

Get all inbound containers in transit. For these SKU’s get all open orders (Standard Pull Orders and  Bulk Orders). Sort the open orders by preferred sorting rule, say, Order type (Standard first and then bulk ), cancel date, start date, order number.

  1. 1. For each SKU on the sales order, check if there is enough stock on hand. If there is Assign and STOP.

  2. 2. Calculate the “Warehouse Need Date” as Cancel Date = Cancel Date less routing date (N days <–> Make it Configurable?) less In land transit time (NN days <–> Make it Configurable ?).

  3. 3. Check if you can find a container for the SKU where the ETA date is before the “Warehouse Need Date”. If a matching container is found, then assign and STOP. Keep the remaining quantity, if any in the container, for other Sales Orders.

  4. 4. We do not need to look at open PO’s (PO’s with no ASN ) as this is only for Container prioritization.

  5. 5. Move to the next Sales Order.

  6. 6. After you have traversed all sales orders, then get all the un-assigned Containers and assign them based on the sort rule even if they are beyond the cancel date.

  7. 7. Calculate the priority based on the Total order value. The total order value the total open order value. This is the priority at the container level.

  8. 8. If the above value is between $0 and $99K, then it is priority 3, between $100 K and $250 K it is 2 and above $250 K it is 1. Prioritization slabs 1,2,3 should be configurable.

  9. 9. Need the ability to override the container priority manually. Can clear and re-prioritize.

Each customer solution may be different… but this can form a basic solution framework. 


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