How to monitor Supplier Performance?

OpsVeda is used by the buyers, planners, and supplier teams to automatically track, monitor, and improve supplier performance.

OpsVeda helps buyers and planners have a real-time pulse on holistic supplier performance vis a vis review of delivery times (on-time, early, late), price (trends and comparisons) and quality ratings (conformance, non-conformance, rework, return to vendor) allowing them to make strategic and operational procurement decisions on a day-to-day basis.

OpsVeda, powered by AI-based search capability called JUNI, not only helps analyze supplier performance live, but also aids in clearly pegging the accountability for the performance slippages and allows for further collaboration towards supplier development goals and recovery through claims/chargeback process.

AccountabilitychargebackclaimsDelivery PerformanceJUNIKPIsOn Time In FullOTIFPerformancePrice EvaluationQualitySupplierSupplier Development

Improve your operating margin by 2-5% with OpsVeda


Improve your operating margin by 2-5% with OpsVeda

The OpsVeda Outcome –

Gain 2% improvement in operating margin

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      Phone: 1-855-OPS-VEDA