Order to Cash Cycle – how to keep it tight?

Left to its own devises a well-designed ERP system will take a sales order, match to stock or supply, give a commit date, drop to a distribution warehouse where goods will be picked, packed and shipped,  followed by an invoice to complete the Order to Cash Cycle. Managing a sales backlog can be overwhelming when things don’t fall into place or happen as they should, in real life there are always unforeseen changes, high bar requests from customers, supply chain upsets, month end targets to meet…

When the order is clean the process can run its course without much human help, getting to a clean order quickly and efficiently leaves bandwidth for the Sales Operations team to focus on stretch goals and extra mile customer satisfaction. OpsVeda has a laser focus set of sales order exceptions to get to clean orders PDQ! Our sales exceptions are rules based on dates, quantities, statuses, elapsed time and changes from external sources. Managing by exception throughout the Order to Cash cycle prioritizes individual’s day to day work while following the corporate business process guidelines for common practice. With everyone following the same rules and solving the same issues in a consistent manor there is no room for going “rogue” or inventing local solutions for global problems.

OpsVeda sales order exceptions can be sent out as email or text alerts in extreme crisis situations requiring immediate attention, the same exception and alert building framework works equally through the delivery stage of any Order to Cash cycle.

Some typical Order and Delivery exceptions and alerts are:

  • Sales order approaching cancel date with a maximum fill rate possible with stock on hand.
  • Sale order requested ship date before production release date for a new
  • Order held by Sanction Party List block on Ship to address.
  • Orders soft pegged ( allocated) to a low priority / credit held order could be relabeled for another open sales order.

Stay  in control of your Order to Cash cycle by keeping tabs on orders that fall beyond the normal business rules or could have a better profit or revenue outcome given a little intervention.

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